

我们在跟着课本学英语的时候,往往会对一些熟悉的动词短语产生理解上的困惑:为什么 make up有“编造”的意思?

为什么 cut up是“切碎”的意思?

come和 come out都有“出现”的意思,这两者有什么区别?为什么“辍学”是 drop out??这儿的“out”要如何理解?







(1) blow up放大

I had the picture blow up to an8*10.


(2) bring up养大

He was born and brought up in New Jersey.他在新泽西出生和长大。

(3) build up增大

Pressure built up as the water continued to flow into the clogged pipe.


(4) hang up挂起来

Hang up your clothes before you go to bed.


(5)kep up保持不下降

The shortage of supplies is keeping the price up.供应的短缺造成价格下不来

(6) let up缓和

I wish this rain would let up.希望这场雨能停下来。

(7) move up升迁

Secretaries often find it difficult to move up within the company.


(8) pick up提升

train was gradually picking up speed.火车开始慢慢提速。

(9) play up夸大

The press has been playing up the racial aspects of the case.


(10) put up贴起来

Let' s put a few of these posters up in the hallway.让我在过道里贴一些这样的海报。

(11) read up大量阅读

I'll have to read up on the tax laws before the meeting tomorow.


(12) roll up卷起来

Roll your sleeves up把袖子起来。

(13) send up抬升

The shortage is bound to send prices up.供应短缺必将导致物价上涨。

其他还有 speak up, stand up, stay up, stick up, turn up, wait up等,不再一一列举。


(1) bring up提出

Some people laughed at the idea when I first brought it up。当我第一次提出这个建议的时候就遭到了一些人的嘲笑。

(2) call up召唤

The woman believe she can call up the spirits of the dead.这个女人说她能召回死者的灵魂

(3) come up出现

A lot of new questions came up at the meeting.会上提出了很多新问题。

Something's come up, so I won't be able to go with you on Thursday.突然出了点事,所以周四我不能和你一起去了。

(4) dig up发掘出

See what you can dig up on the guy.看看你能从那个家伙身上挖出点什么来。

(5)draw up停

A huge black limousine drew up outside the gates.一辆黑色大豪华轿车在大门外停下。

(6) look up查阅

If you don' t know the word, Look it up in the dictionary.你要是不认识这个词,就用词典查出来。

(7) make up编造

Oh, she wouldn' t make up a story like that.她不会编这样的故事。

(8) open up使出现

Roger is worried that nothing seems to be opening up for him.现在看来似乎没有什么机会, Roger对此有些担心。

(9) point up 凸显

The crash points up the need for new safety regulations.相撞事故凸显出制定新的安全规程的必要性。

(10) set up设立

They want to set up their own import- export business.他们想成立自己的进出口公司。

(11) show up出现

I was almost asleep when Chris finally showed up.等到Chris最后露面,我都快睡着了。

(12) think up想出

Who thinks up the stories for these stupid TV shows?这些愚蠢的电视节目是谁构思出来的?

(13) throw up显示

My computer often throws up an error message when I try to print每次我想打印时,电脑总显示出错信息。

(14) turn up出现

Don' t worry about the necklace. It'll turn up sooner or later. 别担心那条项链,早晚它会出现的。

I'm ready to take any job that turns up.不管出现什么样的工作机会,我都会准备接受。

(15) write up写出

He went back to office and immediately wrote up an agreement. 他回到办公室,立剡写了一份协议书。





(1)call up给某人打电话

He callled me up to tell me about it.他打电话把那件事告诉了我。

(2) close up关闭

The pubic swimming pool closes up after August.八月份以后公共浴池就要关闭了。

(3) end up结束

You could end up dead if you're not careful.你要是不小心的话有可能送命。

Whenever we go out to dinner with them, I always end up paying the bill.无论何时与他们出去吃饭,最后总是我买单。

(4) mess up弄砸,搞坏

I don' t want to mess up my kid's chances at a good education. 我不想弄丢孩子接受好的教育的机会。

Stop it! You'll mess up my hair!住手!你会把我的头发弄乱的!

(5) open up敞开心扉;开张

It took Martha several weeks to open up to her therapist.

几星期后, Maha才向她的治疗师敞开心廉。

There' g a new supermarket opening up in our neighborhood.


(6) sIgn up报名

Over 25 people have signed up for the self-defense class.


(7) stop up堵塞

A big ball of hair had stopped up the drain.一大团头发堵住了下水道。

(8) take up占用;担负;就位

I don't go to the gym——it akes up too much time.我不去健身一太费时间了

We must take up the challenge of confronting crime in our neighborhoods.


The runners took up their positions on the starting line.选手们在直道上各就各位。

(9) check up查看

Mom's always checking up on me to see if I'm eating right.妈妈总要查看我是否好好吃饭。

(10) cook up烹饪

Dad's cooking up some T-bone steaks in the back yard.爸爸正在后院做丁字骨牛排。

(11) hold up被耽搁

Sorry I'm late—— I was held up at work.不好意思我迟到了——被工作上的事耽误了。

(12)fix up撮合

Dean fixed him up with a girl from his clas.Dean从班里为他找了个女朋友。

(13) meet up碰头

Why don' t we meet up for dinner in the city?我们为什么不在城里碰头吃饭?

类似的用法还有 break up, hang up on, pass up, serve up,wake up, wash up, listen up, act up等




(1) blow up爆炸

Police cleared the waterfront before the ship blew up.


(2) cover up掩盖

Criminals can cover up some of their illegal activities by dealing only in cash.


(3)pay up还清

In most cases, Fadely said, people pay up in response to the first notice the IRS sends them. Fadely说,大多数情况下,人们都是在接到美国国税局的第一次通知后才付清欠款。

(4) use up用光

Who uses up the ketch-up?谁把番茄酱用完了?

(5) cut up切碎

Just cut up the potatoes and throw them in with the meat.


(6) clean up清洗

Go upstairs, get cleaned up, and then we can go.上楼洗个澡,然后我们就走。



(1)do up系上

For the birthday party, she did her hair up with a ribbon.


She took forever doing herself up for her date.为了约会,她花了很长时间梳妆打扮。

(2) dress up打扮起来

We dressed the kids up as tigers.我们把孩子装扮成老虎。

Do we have to dress up? 我们要穿著正式吗?

(3)fix up收拾

The landlord refused to fix up the property, even after repeated warming.


(4) clean up清理;洗净

I have to clean up my room first.我得先清理一下房屋。

(5) make up化妆

They made him up to look like he was dead.他们给他化了妆,让他看起来像是死了。




(1) act out表现出

Teenagers can act out their anxieties in various aggressive ways.


(2) beat out逼供

I had the truth beaten out of me by my father.在父亲的严刑逼供下,我说出了真相。

(3) break out爆发

War broke out six months later.六个月之后,战争爆发了。

(4) bring out带出

Add a little salt to bring out the flavor.加点盐出味

He always seems to bring out the best in his players.


(5) carrv out执行

Teenagers carried out a survey on attitudes to drugs.


(6) come out揭露出

It was several weeks before the truth came out.几星期后才真相大白。

(7) dig out找出

Mom dug her wedding dress out of the closet.妈妈从衣橱里翻出她结婚时穿的衣服。

(8) lay out铺开

Lay out the map on the table and we'll take a look.把地图在桌子上展开,我们看一看。

(9) make out开出

Who do I make the check out to?我的支票开给谁?

(10) print out打印出

I'm going to print my essay out at the computer lab.我要在机房把我的论文打印出来

(11) stick out突出

It's kind of cute the way his ears stick out.他耳朵突出来的样子很可爱。

(12) tum out结果

Don' t worry- I'm sure it will all turn out fine.别担心——我敢肯定一切最终会好起来的。

(13) write out写出,列出

Could you write out the procedures for ordering new equipment?


(14) start out起步

Kate started her career out working as a model in NY. Kate的事业是从在纽约做模特起步的



第一组bring up提出

Some people laughed at the idea when I first brought it up.我第一次提出这个主意的时候有些人嘲笑它(这个idea以前是没有的,第一次提出)。

bring out带出

He always seems to bring out the best in his players.



come up出现

Something's come up, so I won't be able to go with you on Thursday.


Come out揭露出

It was several weeks before the truth came out.





(1) beat out灭火

Beat out a fire把火扑灭。(火out了就是指火熄灭了)

(2) blow out吹灭;击败

Blow all the candles out.把所有的蜡烛吹灭。(解释同上)

We blew them out,28-zero.我们以28比零大胜他们。(他们out了,就是他们出局了)

(3) burn out烧尽;精疲力竭

The fire burns out.火烧尽了。(解释同前)

A lot of teachers are burning out and quitting.


(4) cut out除掉:熄火

I've cut out all expenses that aren' t absolutely necessary.


The boat's engine cut out halfway across the lake.


(5) close out清仓处理

The women's department is closing out this line of swimwear.


(6) die out灭绝

If the ocean becomes too salty, certain types of marine life die out.要是海水太咸的话,某些海洋生物就要灭绝了。(某类生物out了,就是这类生物都不存在了)

(7) paint out涂掉

She tried to paint out the extra shadows in the picture.


(8) pass out昏迷

It was so hot in there I thought I was going to pass out.


(9) put out扑灭

It took firefighters several hours to put the blaze out.


(10) ride out安然度过

Graduate school is a good place to ride out an economic crisis.


(11) serve out做到任期期满T

he senator's failing health means he may not be able to serve out his term.


(12) sit out坐等结束

When the war started, her family decided to stay in the country and sit it out.


(13) wait out等……过去

We spent the night at the airport, waiting out the snow storm.


(14) wear out磨损;疲劳

After years of running, his knees started to wear out.


Working two jobs can really wear you out.





(1) check ou结账离开;借出

We have to check out by 1 p.m.


You could only check out only three books at a time,你一次只能借三本书。(书out,是指书离开先前所在的图书馆到倩书人所在的地方)

(2) come out被洗掉

Ink stains will usually come out if you use a little stain remover first.


(3) drive out从某个区域赶走

Cattle tend to drive out wild animals that eat the same grass.

牛群通常金把同一片草地上出现的其他野生动物赶跑。(与 drive away相比较一下,后者是指从某一个点赶走,前者则是指从某个区城赶走,赶空)

(4) drop out辍学

Kelly dropped out of college after one semester.


(5) fall out掉落

My dads hair fell out when he was only30.


(6) move out搬走

The landlord wants me to move out by the 14th.


(7)pay out付出

Our company pays out a huge amount in health benefits.


(8) pull out撒离

Most of the troops have been pulled out.


Be careful when you pull out of the driveway.驶离车道的时候小心点。(离开车道)

(9) see out送行

Don' t get up——I'll see myself out.


(10) set out出发

Next moming at five o'clock they set out on the 12-hour drive to LA.


(11) sign out借出

Somebody had already signed out the last VCR.


(12) wash out洗掉

Grass stains don't wash out easily.草清不容易洗摔。(离开衣服)

(13) draw out取钱

She went out to the bank and drew out all the money they had saved.


(14) kick out开除

What did you do to get kicked out of the restaurant?




(1) hang out晾晒

I like to hang out the sheets to get a fresh smell.


(2) invite out约出去

Josh called and invited her out for Saturday night. Josh打电话约她周六晚上出去。

(3)leave out 排除,被冷落

It's fine with me if you leave out the chili powder.不放辣椒粉我也可以

The whole time I went to the youth group I felt completely left out.


(4) let out放出去

Who let the cat out?谁把猫放出去了?

(5)count out 排除在外

Well, you can count me out!好,别把我算进去!

(6) miss out错过

I feel I' m missing out on having fun with my kids.


(7) order out叫外卖

Let' s order out tonight.今晚我们叫外卖吃吧!

(8) shut out挡在外面

Don't just shut me out. I want to help.不要把我排除在外,我想帮帮忙。

Heavy curtains shut out the sunlight.厚窗窜挡住了阳光。

(9) stay out呆在外面

My parents won't let me stay out late on weeknights.


(10) throw out扔掉

My wife made me throw out my old tennis shoes. 我妻子让我把旧网球鞋扔掉。


out用在 call, cry, read等表示声音的动词之后,表示很大声音。

(1)call out 大声叫喊

I called out to you at the train station, but you didn ' t hear me. A


(2) cry out大声喊叫

Even the smallest movement made him cry out in pain.


(3) read out大声读出

He opened the envelope and read out the name of the winner.


(4)sing out 大声说出

“Good morning, Mrs James!" Eddie sang out.


(5) speak out公司开宣称

Smith was not afraid to speak out against the Vietnam War.




(1) check out查清楚

You should check that idea out with the boss first. 你应该首先向老板核实一下那个想法。

We'd better check him out before we offer him the job.


(2) count out数清楚

Can you help me count out the ballots?你能帮我数一下选票吗?

(3) fight out决出

The two groups will fight it out in the court.这两个团体将在法庭上解决分歧。

(4) figure out搞清楚

If I have a m, I can figure it out. 我要是有张地图,我就能解决这事。

(5) fill out填写

She filled out the order form in purple ink. 她用紫颜色墨水填写了订单。

(6) make out分辨出

Many in the crowd could hardly make out what he was saying, as he spoke without a microphone. 因为他讲话没用麦克风,人群中许多人几乎听不见他在说什么。

I couldn't make him out at all. 我根本无法了解他。

(7) point out指出

He got very angry when Emily pointed out his mistake.


Point out your office when we go by. 我们经过时,把你的办公室指给我们看。

(8) sort out理顺

It took us all day to sort out all the paperwork. 整理所有的资料花了我们一整天。

(9) think out考虑清楚

The arguments had not been thought out very carefully.


10) try out试出

Jamie could hardly wait to try out his new bike.


(11) talk out讨论出

There are still a lot of details that we need to talk out.我们还有许多细节需要协商解决。