1.英语中常见的成对词(binomials/Siamese twins)成对词的特点:1. fixed order 固定顺序2. Two elements cannot be reversed 两个组成部分不能颠倒3. 也被称作Siamese twins [ˌsaɪəˈmiːz twɪnz] 连体双胎 4. They are usually linked by "and" “or” 常由and, or 连接在一起5. They are of the same part of speech category (two nouns, two verbs or two adjectives)由连词连接的两个组成部分的词性是一样的(两个名词,动词或者形容词)英语中常见的成对词有:agriculture or industry 工农业 bed and breakfast 住宿加早餐, 提供住宿加早餐的旅馆 (缩略形式为 B&B) black and white 白纸黑字 blood and flesh 血与肉, 血肉联系 body and soul 身体和灵魂bread and butter 面包和黄油,主要收入来源,生计,谋生之道 by and large: mostly 大体上, 大部分do or die 决一死战, 孤注一掷 dos and don'ts 注意事项fair and square 公平公正,光明正大地,诚实地 fish and chips 炸鱼薯条, 炸鱼加土豆条forgive and forget 不念旧恶, 不记仇, 宽恕与忘记friend or foe 敌人和朋友, 敌友hammer and sickle 锤子和镰刀 (代表工人和农民)husband and wife 夫妇hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘,喧嚣kith and kin 亲友longitude and latitude 经纬 make or break 成败 Mr. and Mrs. 先生和夫人,夫妇mix and match 混搭,混合搭配,混合与匹配part and parcel 必要部分,重要部分,主要组成部分pros and cons 利弊rain or shine 不论晴雨, 风雨无阻right and left 左右 right or wrong 对或错, 对还是错, 不管对错rock and roll 摇滚乐safe and sound 安然无恙short and sweet 简短而合适, 简单明了, 简明扼要signed and sealed 已签字盖章的,已成定局的 song and dance 歌舞 supply and demand 供求 thunder and lightning 雷电,雷电交加time and tide 岁月tooth and nail 竭尽全力,全力以赴,拼命地town and country 城乡,城里城外,城市与乡村,城市和乡村twist and turn 曲折, 蜿蜒 vice and virtue 善恶 wax and wane 盛衰, 兴衰weal and woe 祸福wear and tear 磨损,损耗yes or no 是或不是这样的成对词还有很多,欢迎朋友们留言[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]