外刊精读 | 天气热得可以BBQ了,高温及中暑到底是怎么回事?






1. What is a heat wave? 什么是热浪?


A heat wave is an extremely dangerous weather condition where temperatures soar (急升) well above 90°F. This high heat combines with high levels of humidity (湿度) and creates a heat bubble (气泡) over a certain area for an extended period of time.



2. How do heat waves form? 热浪是如何形成的?


Heat waves form when high pressure air settles high in the air and causes hot air to sink down. The hot air sinking creates a bubble that acts like a seal and traps heat near the ground. This seal keeps out convection currents that form clouds and eventually rain clouds, both of which would help the area affected cool off. Instead the result is a heat wave that has both high heat and high humidity (湿度) near the ground. These heat waves can last from days to weeks.



3. Is a heat wave a natural disaster? 热浪是自然灾害吗?


While heat waves may not have the excessive (过度的) winds or rain that you think of when considering natural disasters they are in fact a natural disaster.



4. How do heat waves affect the environment? 热浪如何影响环境?


Heat waves affect the environment through high temperatures and low, if any, levels of rainfall. These two factors combine to make conditions ideal for droughts and wildfires. The droughts and wildfires caused by heat waves have huge influences on the surrounding vegetation (植物) and wildlife. Plants that need higher levels of water and more shade will probably die as a result of heat waves.
