1.记录日常披肩和蓝月谷icon也太配啦~蓝月谷很值得去!现在是旅游旺季,大家一定要选好天气,不然排队好 久,又没有好风景,真的会emo。

2.蓝月谷最美的时候是秋冬季,那个季节云南的天空蓝 得一尘不染,蓝天下的雪山也有了积雪。

3.蓝月谷的水 也是蓝得绝美。

4.蓝月谷在玉龙雪山里有电瓶车可以通往三个景点,走 路会比较费劲,电瓶车还是方便很多的,蓝月谷的水 真的很清,蓝绿蓝绿肉眼看更好看,并且旁边的沙石 是白色的,超级仙!#丽江头条# #蓝月谷# The daily record cape and Blue Moon Valley icon are also perfect. Blue Moon Valley is well worth visiting! This is the tourist season, we must choose good weather, otherwise queuing for a long time, and there is no good scenery, really emo.The Blue Moon Valley is most beautiful in autumn and winter, when the sky in Yunnan is spotless and the snow-capped mountains under the blue sky are covered with snow. The water in the Valley of the Blue Moon is also extremely blue.Blue moon Valley in the Jade Dragon snow Mountain battery car can lead to three attractions, walking will be more laborious, battery car or a lot of convenience, blue moon Valley water is really clear, blue green blue green naked eyes look better, and next to the sand is white, super fairy!